Protect the environment so that the environment can protect us - jbecotex

September 15, 2022

We have to take the initiative to reduce the problem of plastic waste management.

What is EPR?

EPR is an Extended Product Responsibility that includes key components for plastic waste management, including the production and recycling of plastic materials, set standards for their use, promotion of their non-use, and reduction of their quantities. “The EPR extends the product responsibility for plastic waste management. It is a framework that promotes the use of plastics in consumer products, but also encourages manufacturers to protect the environment from accumulating and disposing of plastic waste.”

Extended product responsibility (EPR) is a measure that seeks to change the way companies across sectors view their role in environmental management. EPR emphasizes the importance of responsibility beyond product manufacturing and encourages companies to reduce waste generated at all stages of production and distribution. Through the EPR system, certain brands are committing to pay us to manage their plastic waste, resulting in both significant reductions in plastic waste and increased revenues for our company.

EPRs will ensure that we are accountable for plastic waste generated by each and every one of their products. It has committed to developing a phased transition plan that achieves its goal of having zero plastic waste in landfills and 100% recycling or repurposing by 2030. With EPR, we incorporate extended product responsibility for plastic waste management into packaging design.

Unnecessary plastic consumption can be reduced by adding the code on the packaging, in order to spread awareness of it

EPR extends the product responsibility of companies to all plastic waste generated by their respective products, including single-use plastic packaging, providing a new level of consumer protection. This strategy is built around a circular economy model that increasingly adopts new production technologies, such as recycled plastics and compost. As a result, current plastic polymers can become resources for future recycling cycles by being processed into different materials which can then be reintroduced into the creation of new products.

The main objective behind implementation of EPR:-

The EPR has introduced new definitions, responsibilities, and incentives to increase the amount of plastic collected from consumers and ultimately reduce its impact on the environment. It is the responsibility of every business to manage its product lifecycle in an environmentally conscious way. More specifically, responsible product management requires that every product you manufacture and sell should be designed, developed, and manufactured with minimal impact on the environment.

We are extending our responsibility to all plastic waste generated from your business. Our EPR strategy offers the power to ensure that your plastic waste is disposed of in an environmentally and socially responsible way, while still providing you with valuable services. EPR is a strategic partnership that helps businesses tackle plastic waste. The program’s solutions go beyond recycling, employing a marketplace-oriented approach to drive up external value creation and reduce buyer proliferation. We are trying to extend our product responsibility for plastic waste management, addressing the impacts of plastic littering and pollution in oceans, rivers, and lakes. EPR Technology Labs provides a variety of solutions for plastic waste management. It is a public-private partnership between businesses, governments, and sanitation providers. This has led to a reduction in the amount of plastic packaging entering the municipal waste stream.

What is the improvement we are looking forward to in EPR?

As part of our mission to foster a better, cleaner, and fairer world, EPR created Extended Product Responsibility (EPR), a collaborative commitment to reduce plastic waste by 50% by 2030. We will ensure that our global plastic waste management strategy is implemented. The EPR provides an effective and balanced response to the problem of plastic pollution with flexible, practical requirements that enable member states to set their own timelines for action. We are working to put a concrete plan for plastic waste management in place. This includes identifying, evaluating, and nominating waste producers, setting up targeted collection systems, and accelerating the development of new materials.

The EPR scheme is an innovative product-oriented waste management solution that reduces the environmental impact of plastic waste by increasing recycling opportunities and purchasing recycled plastic. EPR extends product responsibility beyond the end-of-life phase to include plastics. EPR is essentially a social model that encourages change at multiple levels of society and learns from each other – customers, manufacturers and recyclers included. With the EPR license, we will be able to handle more plastic waste in our company.

Our Aim:-

Through the EPR, we aim to extend product responsibility, in line with our strong environmental commitment and zero waste strategy. We aim to ensure that the products we produce live up to our expectations and this includes reducing plastic packaging where possible, providing better information on product packaging, working with our suppliers to develop strategies for managing their part of the problem, and working with our customers; retailers, government bodies and consumers – we all share responsibility in curtailing excessive use of plastic.

EPR is committed to carrying out its social responsibility goal by creating a safe, clean and healthy environment for users.

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